Saturday 5 July 2014

Benefit of Eating Banana

Kurniati                                                                                                          Writing 4 essay
Benefit of Eating Banana
Imagine that you are a monkey and banana is your favorite food, it is very interesting. As we know, monkey like banana so much and they are so attraction, lively and clever. They can be like a human and became human’s friend, for example if they are coached to be monkey mask they will do what the coach command. That is why monkey is the cleverest one than the other animal, it because of their food, their food contains of nature substances which can increase brainpower. It will have same effect in human being if their habit is eating banana. Well, related with this case, I will give a little description why I choose eating banana has nice benefits. Not only it, but also eating bananawill give us so many benefits. I will mention three main benefits of eating banana: increase brainpower, quit smoking, and reduce menstrual pain, so they will be expanded in next paragraph.
The first benefit of eating banana can increase brainpower. Susan Smith Jones, Ph.D. stated,” Banana contains of potassium and B6, can assist learning by making students more alert.” Potassium and B6 in banana have function to help blood regulation. It means if we eat banana regularly, we will get enough potassium (kalium) and vitamin B6 to supply mineral for our body. Potassium is a mineral which has function to help in balancing water in brain, electrolyte function, and nerve system. Moreover, vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin and it balances of Na (natrium) to accelerate the growth of red cell in body, even less in our brain. It carries oxygen around the body and it is essential to metabolize foods into energy. Thus, both of them are needed in our body, especially for our brain.
Next, only a few people know that eating banana can quit smoking for addicted smokers, whereas this fact is quite important. Abby Willow declared that banana is not only cheap and tasty, but also they can help in quit smoking more successfully by helping to reduce nicotine withdrawal while keeping energized and fulfilled at the same time. It seems amazing, because only by eating banana, the smokers can reduce risk having lungs disease, stroke, impotents, etc as mentioned in a cigarette pack. However, the smoker rarely uses this good way to quit smoking. In short, quit smoking by eating banana is a simple and good way to be healthier person.
Furthermore, I am pretty sure that every woman ever gotten the menstrual pain, it is often called by dismenorrhea. The causes are over hormone, inherit, lack of water, less of physical exercise, etc. One of ways to cure dismenorrhea is by eating banana because it contains of rich vitamin B6 and potassium which help to reduce water retention and smoothen blood regulation in ovum. Therefore, eating banana can be made as a simple daily snack, if we are bored in one form, we can get other variance of bananas such as mix with non-fat yogurt, slice into cereal, or toss in a fruit salad, so we will enjoy it while relaxing in free time ( In addition, do not need pills to cure dismenorrhea, only need banana to reduce it.
In brief, eating banana is so nice and has so many amazing benefits in our body. If you do not like banana, try to eat it little by little and then you will feel how delicious banana is, finally you will be addicted to eat banana. If it is happen to you, you are lucky person whom get healthier by eating banana regularly and as often as you can without paying expensive. It can be done by every person and do this very simple thing wherever and whenever they want to get so many benefits of eating banana.

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