Saturday 5 July 2014

A Nice of Study Abroad

A Nice of Study Abroad
            Do you want to live in overseas for permanent or temporary? It seems a nice for anyone. I am pretty sure that everyone wants to go to other country, such as for vacation, holiday or honeymoon. One of ways to live there is study abroad. Currently, so many people want to study abroad and they try to get it. Study abroad is a good choice for us who want to get more new nice experience and improve our knowledge. Thus, by study abroad we can get some advantages: improve our second language skill, acquaint our original cultures and have network for our future.
            First benefit of study abroad, we can improve our second language skill, exemplify if we are students of English Department, we can continue our study in overseas to finish our postgraduate in England, Australia, America, or country where English is spoken as first language. After we get lesson in our first campus, we can improve it deeper, such as when we talk to foreign people, so it will facilitate our communication with them. By talking to native speakers give us a chance to improve our second language which can expedite our fluency and retention. Moreover, we can add to our vocabulary and phrase that may not appears in the textbooks. In short, besides our second language spoken is more fluent, our communication is smoother, we can also add our vocabulary by study abroad.
            Next, by studying abroad we can acquaint and explore our culture to other country where we live. Basically, every country or district has their own original culture which possible can be acquainted to others in order to that culture is known by every person in the world. For example: we study abroad in California, specifically, we are Javanese people can introduce Jaipongan, Pendet, Saman dance or Kuda Lumping and commonly we are Indonesian can apply our mutual cooperate culture. If our original cultures are known by so many people of the whole world, it means our culture to be popular and famous, such as Batik. Therefore, by study abroad, we can promote and explore our culture to be known by everyone in this world.
            The last advantages is having network for our future. While we study abroad, we can make more friends and form professional contact. Generally, by having a good relationship while abroad, it can be an ideal occasion to intern, work part time while studying. We can ask them to help in finding internship or work placement abroad. When we have finished our study, be sure to ask for a recommendation letter to testify and inform if there are any kind of jobs in overseas. In addition, by having network contact, it can help us in finding any jobs in abroad. 
            In conclusion, study abroad is a good choice to continue our study. Actually, it has so many advantages, but only three benefits which I have explained. If you want to study abroad without fee, you have to get a scholarship, usually by joining TOEFL test and you reach more than 600 score. Not only that, you can also study abroad with paying by yourself and you can choose which university you want to enter. We should be trust that by study abroad will give us so many benefits in our life and future.

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